Nipple Cheesecake Gluten Free Recipe

July 09, 2017 Add Comment

I would love to tell you a thousand things, but basically, nothing happened to me, which I appreciate because when things happen I lose myself, at night I do not sleep and I become a Benedictine monk with incipient baldness. The only highlight of the last week was the surprise of sending Schar, which I did not expect at all and let me jump at the door of the house (for the joy of the messenger and embarrassment of my family), jumping in the kitchen and eating chocolate six days in a row. But self-control lately.
The other day, walking through Alcampo, I had a tremendous desire for nipple and, to be, in the form of a cake. I came home with half a kg (not going to be, I am not of those who leave their vices without satiating haha) and today I put my hands to work, delicious improvisation:) _____
Give him a chance, he's super-rich!

-450 GRS of a nipple, cleaved
-5 eggs
-1 tsp. of vanilla essence
-250 GRS of sugar
-200 ml of cream
-1 Natural yogurt (mine was Greek sweetened but worth any but natural)
-2 tablespoons of mix Dolci de Schar

Preheat the oven to 160 and put a little water on the bottom. While we prepare the cake. We (with the knives) the cheese with the eggs until obtaining a smooth cream, we incorporate the rest of the ingredients and us well with rods.

(which I forgot to tell you, you can separate the yolks from the clear and beat them to the point of snow, you would have to incorporate at the end with a spatula, making an enveloping movement. This way it is more "frothy" and tender, I did not because I was in a hurry ... as always lately.

Pour into a well oiled and floured un-moldable mold (or as the vague Larpeira, covered with aluminum foil).

We bake 1 h without opening the oven door at any moment and let the oven seat another hour. Refrigerate as soon as it is at room temperature.

And here the beauties of Schar

Coconutty's Gluten free Recipe

July 09, 2017 Add Comment

After seeing Gru three times, the only thing I managed to make clear is that I wanted those wonderful cookies that Miss Hattie was selling to the girls..prfrfrfr . And I wanted them now! I don't know how I needed to see her three times to figure it out. The movie cools an egg, but the coconutty's don't leave your mind, they persecute you, they call you by your name, appear in your dreams wetter (of Baba greedy, of course) and, unfortunately, they will not leave that "hole" that they have occupied in your cartridge strips as much as you try, Larpeira. It's what there is, people, but it's worth it only with them cooking:) _ ___

The recipe I found here, although it's repeated a thousand times everywhere. I changed it a bit to accommodate what I had in my pantry. They are super-rich, much, so the best thing is to do them once a year and point, but no danger of Ricuras Jijijiji. Cheers!

Speak here the voice of the experience, make the double xd

I will try to make them more aplastaditas and toasted ... I like toasts

-3 egg whites
-165 Grs of shredded coconut
-80 GRS of sugar
-20 Grs of Mix Dolci de Schar
-1 1/2 tsp of vanilla essence
-50 of chopped macadamia nuts
-100 Grs of white chocolate pips (or chopped confectionery white chocolate)

We put the whites, the coconut, the sugar, and the flour in a saucepan and bring to the fire, putting it to the minimum. Stir continuously until the dough dries a little and is not so sticky, little more than 5. Remove from the fire and add the essence, stir and let cool as we chop the macadamia nuts.

Preheat oven to 175th. Add the walnuts, half the white chocolate and stir well. We lined an oven plate with baking paper, and placed on it portions of dough (I made them with a spoon, not full of the whole) that we will squeeze and round, it is best to crush them a little.

Bake around 15 or until lightly browned. We pass them on to a grate to cool. Apart, melt the other half of the chocolate in the microwave, at intervals of 20 "more or less, taking it between each interval to remove.

You have to be careful not to burn it, the White Choco is very delicate him. Once melted, we can put it in a pastry and decorate the cookies (I used a bag to which I cut a tip to come out the Choco), or we can bathe in it, whatever you like. Let it harden chocolate and eat! Or as people did here ... neither melted chocolate nor four cucumbers, they did not get cold before they had their tooth jejejeje.